95% of people just quit too soon, we see it in everything we do, not just with health & Fitness.
I swear, as a coach, the more I learn and work with clients & our members, the more I realize that success comes to those who simply don’t quit and who show up consistently. They get it. They understand that it’s not just about getting results. It’s the mindset, the feeling of accomplishment, and feeling strong physically and mentally. They realize it is a part of their life that belongs to themselves. It’s all about the journey.
There’s no magic business bullet that guarantees health, fitness, weight loss, etc…
More than ever, people are being fed lies about what it takes to achieve a lean and healthy body.
Some people have very fast success. Others work crazy HARD for it.
Regardless, those who’ve achieved success in their health and fitness…
Never gave up, stayed determined, un-swayed by external factors.
They never stopped showing up.
Didn’t compare themselves and their progress to others and let it get them down. They know it’s different for everyone.
This is what my most successful clients do too.
When you want to have the body, health, and fitness that most people just dream about, you have to be willing to do the things most people are unwilling to do.
So, if you want the confidence, freedom, and vitality, do these 5 things:
1. Don’t quit, it comes down to doing the small insignificant things that you don’t see now, but over time yield huge results
2. Show up consistently and ready to work, no matter what
3. Get support and accountability that you need (FIND a COACH!!!)
4. Do the uncomfortable things that 95% of people are unwilling to do (and do them often)
5. Believe and trust in yourself even through the hardest moments
Because success, quitting, or failure is 100% in your court. Once you own that, no one can take it from you and then you can easily determine whether or not your daily decisions and actions are aligned to your life’s desires.
Would LOVE for you to share your thoughts and experiences related to the above!
Because this is what we do, we help people… And it’s not just about losing weight. You can have a “LIFE JUST FEELS GOOD” Attitude. Become physically and functionally stronger, increase your lean muscle mass while reducing body fat. Gain a lean symmetry look in your physical appearance. Become empowered with a sense of accomplishment and mentally stronger with the ability to handle anything life throws your way.
Let’s do this together.
Kipp – KALFIT Coach & Mentor – CLICK HERE
P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you get started:
1. Come in for a Custom Fitness Consultation. CLICK HERE
We’ll sit down together and discuss your goals, simple steps you can take to achieve them and see if there is a way to work together to give you the coaching and support you need to get the results you want quickly.
If you’d like to discuss meeting for a Consultation, just text 619-944-3476 and put ‘Consult’ in the subject line and I’ll follow up with you.
2. Join our 12 week Fit & Lean 2020 program. CLICK HERE for details Or text 619-944-3476 and put “F&L” in the subject line and I’ll follow up with you.
12 weeks to get you to where you need to be fat loss, tone, fitness, diet are all covered 🙂
3. Just call or text: 619-944-3476 ask for me, Kipp Lawson, KALFIT Coach & Mentor or text Consult or F&L and I will contact you to schedule.
Let's have a real conversation about how you can create intention and take action and move forward for the final time, so you never have to start over again.
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