KALFIT Health & Fitness Survey

    Let's have a real conversation about how you can create intention and take action and move forward for the final time, so you never have to start over again.

    What are your Fitness & Nutrition goals? (Check top 3 most important goals)

    Learn to eat a Balanced DietDecrease Body Fat Tone MusclesLearn to Balance Activity & DietReduce Stress Increase Strength & PowerCreate a Healthy LifestyleFeel Better Improve Speed/AgilityImprove Overall Health Increase FlexibilityImprove Athletic PerformanceMaintain a Healthy WeightIncrease EnduranceBody ImageOther

    What is keeping you from achieving your Fitness & Nutrition goals? (Check all that apply)

    Lack of MotivationLack of TimeLack of EquipmentHitting a PlateauSelf-ConsciousNot Knowing Where/How to BeginLack of Results from previous programOther:

    Support of others (What Motivates You Cont.)?

    What activities/exercises do you currently participate in? (Check all that apply)

    Running/WalkingAerobicsStrengthCircuitBikingDanceFree WeightsSwimmingYoga/PilatesResistance TrainingOutdoor ActivitiesMartial ArtsRecreational ActivitiesCalisthenics

    Athletics/Sports: If so, What:

    What is your current activity level?

    Current/Best Guest Estimate: Height: __________ Weight: __________ Have you had any recent weight gain or loss? Yes or No If yes, please explain.

    How often do you eat?

    How often do you eat out?

    What motivates you? (Check all that apply)

    Lack of MotivationLack of TimeLack of EquipmentHitting a PlateauSelf-ConsciousNot Knowing Where/How to BeginLack of Results from previous programOther:

    Do you follow a current exercise regime? Yes or No if yes, please explain.

    Would you take 1 minute & share with me your biggest frustration with:

    Weight issues (can’t lose it)Lack of energy (feeling sluggish all the time)Self confidence (body image issues)Getting started (accountability issues)Nutrition (making healthy choices “consistently“)Or other

    Choosing a gym that fits your needs (Find a Coach) KALFIT is not just another gym offering “services” or just a place to train. WE COACH!!! 

    We want to continue to create “awareness, sharing of knowledge, ideas, and inspire a healthy active lifestyle”. It’s movement, breathing, one rep at a time. Moving at your speed using our hybrid routines of strength and conditioning, we are reinforcing a positive mindset and improving daily functional activity.

    Become empowered with a sense of accomplishment; Develop physically, be functionally stronger and become mentally & emotionally.

    Live Life without Boundaries”

    Providing an experience, we are consistently building and expanding. This is what each of our training sessions is striving to do. It’s not just lifting weights (its building strength) it’s not just doing cardio (its building stamina and endurance), it’s not just functional movement & mobility (its building mental fortitude) it’s not just training in a gym to lose weight (it’s providing you the tools & habits to develop and carry with you for the rest of your life) an experience of a lifetime!!

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