KALFIT was… just an idea of how to make people become better in their life.
Working from a 2-car garage, we had it made. A place to personally train and work with people who were looking to make improvements within themselves. But living in a gated community with a home owner association, was our downfall.
Or was it?
We started out so successful from home and then to have our ideal dream pulled out right from under us, was shattering. This is where my wife and I decided to take a risk to find and create a training space in town. We found one, somewhat close to our home and continued to pursue our passion of helping and providing a service to others. Fast forward 5 years, and now you have KALFIT Strength & Conditioning.
To literally start from a 2-car garage with just an idea, and to see it now is nothing more than a vision in the making. We have helped so many do things that they never thought they could do, we have implemented a physical and mental conditioning program that has changed and inspired people’s lives. We as coaches and mentors have become better ourselves and are continuously looking for innovative ideas of self-improvement.
Looking in hindsight, we didn’t realize that there was so much competition out there. So many gyms, boxes, studios, warehouses that were offering the latest and greatest method to lose weight, gain muscle, become stronger, get leaner, and look your best. We were so focused on our own lane of fitness, we knew that all results were going to differ from person to person. We created a program to get you started by teaching you how to move, then move with load and then to move with load fast. Combined with a common-sense nutrition program, you have everything you need. The results we have seen has been phenomenal. The experience alone is so worth it.
So, where are we right now? We have realized that our program (tested and properly evaluated) gets results. But the issue isn’t our program, training, or coaching, it’s having the proper mindset to make the commitment to change. Our biggest struggle—still to this day—is getting people to see what we see. When I sit with someone and hear the excuses for why they can’t, all I see is why they can. The potential I see in people is contrary to what they see in themselves. It’s like being outside looking in at what I know they could be. Make no mistake, I have learned that CHANGE lives and grows only when others can see what I see. I can have all the world-changing ideas I want, and no one is going to give a crap unless they get it themselves, and they get ME! (Hence, I write and share)
We have come to the crossroads, where people are so comfortable where they are right now, that they don’t have the foresight to see where they could be if they attended our program. Fast forward 5, 10, or 20 years, will they look back with regret for not taking the opportunity to better yourself?? Maybe? However, it’s not too late to get started now.
Only you can hold yourself back…only you can help yourself.
-Sounds simple, right?
We have two options; make progress or make excuses.
If you want to get stronger; you have to lift heavy weights.
If it’s a six pack you’re after; you’ll have to lose the layer of fat first.
I wish I could tell you that there was an easier way, but there’s not. Anyone who tells you something different is a scam artist. But you already knew that; didn’t you? We know there is no such thing as a shortcut, yet we continue to search for them.
There’s a constant battle taking place in our own mind.
It’s a you versus you mentality!
You want to make progress. You want to take a chance. You want to make a change. You have big plans to look better, feel better and find purpose in your life. You’ve set goals for how you can lose a few pounds by exercising at home and eating more real food.
But, the little devil on your shoulder has different plans. Every time you decide to take action there’s a voice in your head that thinks up an excuse. While you lace up your training shoes, that voice asks; “what’s on TV?, need to check email, scroll through my social media” And, even though you know it’s a bad idea, tonight you’ll eat out for the third time this week!
What gives?
If you want to set the real you free from the pessimistic voice in your head, you’ll have to do more than devise a battle plan. There’s more to it than setting goals. The secret is to take real physical action – are you willing to act or not? It’s not enough to just want something, or plan for it, or even to do it some of the time. If you want to defeat the natural tendency to choose the path of least resistance, you MUST make action a habit; today, tomorrow and every day after that. That is the process of progression.
If you’re not making progress, you’re making excuses. In the battle of who you are versus who you want to become, excuses are the enemy and inevitably your downfall. –Slay that Dragon!!
Final Word: Building Good Habits that will last a lifetime:
Everything you do in your life is a habit: when you wake up, who you spend time with, how much money you have, your happiness or sadness, your physical health—everything is a consequence of what you choose to do or not do. Many of our most intensely ingrained beliefs and routines are just simple habits. They are “what we’re used to”—sure, but they are not us. They are not who we are at our core. It is my hope that this will help you bring a change that you want or need into your daily life.
If this is a topic that resonates with you or if you know of someone who could use this, please share. Want to get started? We have consults available, just schedule here: (KALFITSANDIEGO)
Let us make this as easy as possible to take your 1st step: You can…
“Call us to sign up for a free consultation” (619-944-3476 ask for Kipp)
Or “Visit our website (KALFITSANDIEGO) or CLICK HERE and sign up for a free consultation”
Come in and let’s talk, share your story and we will provide you with what we do here at KALFITSANDIEGO and see if we are a good fit. No obligations to sign-up or enroll.
Looking forward to meeting you,
To your First Step,
Kipp – KALFIT coach & mentor
Let's have a real conversation about how you can create intention and take action and move forward for the final time, so you never have to start over again.
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