One of the biggest struggles my clients face is creating and upholding boundaries.
When we have no boundaries in place for our time, other people, and ourselves, life becomes a
Free-for all.
Things don’t get done. Life feels out of control. We build up resentment.
There are a few reasons that people fail to establish and uphold boundaries:
• Guilt/feelings of selfishness (emotional misconception)
• They don’t know how (tried and failed too many times)
• They don’t value themselves enough (putting everyone before themselves)
• They don’t know how to say no (say yes to everything and everyone, burnout mindset)
The list could go on, but these are some of the most common ones that I see.
But if you want to live your best life, boundaries are a critical component.
I suggest boundaries around:
• Your schedule
• Other people
• Your work vs home life
*This is why we hold all our training sessions by appointment only in a semi-private setting. It just makes sense, people will most likely keep an appointment and design it into their schedule. At KALFIT, your appointment becomes a habit, hence a part of your new lifestyle, getting you one step further in being consistent and making progress towards your fitness goals.*
Because the truth is that no one has a TIME problem. They have TIME MANAGEMENT
and BOUNDARIES problems.
So, what area of your life or with whom do you need to set and uphold stronger boundaries?
Identifying these areas is the first step followed by creating a scheduling plan and potentially having some difficult conversations with people in your life. But if you truly want to take ownership to create the body and the life you want, these are things you must do!
Please reply and let me know where you plan to start!
Would love to sit, talk & listen to your story
Kipp-KALFIT Coach and Mentor
P.S. If you’re ready to set boundaries and make a commitment to your fitness, CLICK HERE to let us know or reply to our email (INFO@KALFITSANDIEGO.COM), and we’ll get back to ya!
Or CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CONSULTATION no obligation required.
P.S.S. CLICK HERE if you would you like to learn more about personal boundaries. CLICK HERE and we will send you worksheets that deal with healthy boundaries and how they can affect one’s life. – Created by Joaquín Selva, a writer who was first introduced to psychology through behavioral neuroscience research.
Let's have a real conversation about how you can create intention and take action and move forward for the final time, so you never have to start over again.
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